May 5, 2024

May 5, 2024

We received word from Bishop Edward Malesic that our parish deacon, Rev. Mr. David Streeter, has been granted retirement status as of May 1, 2024. Deacon Streeter came to our parish August 8, 2011 to lend a hand in the works of charity, visiting the sick and shut-ins, bereavement and other liturgical ministries performed by the deacon, particularly preparation for marriage. In all these matters and whatever else I would ask him to do, Deacon Dave always did his best, often finding new and better ways of outreach to the people of Assumption. 

Perhaps his best skill was making those to whom he ministered feel comfortable and welcome when they were in conversation with him. I can remember him after Mass and at parish social events where he was totally in his element. Deacon Dave always loved a good conversation and especially loved being with people. 

About 4 years ago, Deacon Dave became ill, and these illnesses became more frequent until he could no longer drive a car. Even then, at times his daughter or wife would take him to Assumption to do whatever he could. In time, these illnesses incapacitated him, and he could no longer work. For the past several years Deacon Dave has been a resident of the Avenue in North Ridgeville where he ministers to God's people through his daily prayer. 

We offer Deacon Dave Streeter our prayerful best wishes as he begins his retirement and thank him for his 12 years of service to Assumption Parish. May the Good Lord he served so well as a deacon be his staff of support as he witnesses to Jesus by bravely baring the cross of illness.