August 18, 2024

August 18, 2024

It was so good to see so many of you at last Sunday's Parish Picnic. The weather was pleasant, and people took time to keep company with one another, relax and enjoy themselves. I would like to express my thanks to the following: 

  • To the picnic committee of: Jack Murrin, Ray Freas, Jane Luke, Roza Hering, Pat Petkoff, chaired by Sean Phillips and his lovely wife Heather
  • To the Knights of Columbus and Jack Murrin for organizing the Marian Procession as well as those who participated in it.
  • To the volunteers, especially the faculty and staff of Assumption Academy who served the picnic fare
  • To those who set up and broke down the tents, etc.
  • To Michael and Alice Jo Soinski who sold raffle tickets

And to all of you who supported this weekend by your participation and especially your support through the purchase and selling of raffle tickets. It is the people of Assumption Parish that make it special. Thanks for a good feast. 

The 2024-2025 academic year begins this Wednesday at Assumption Academy, partners with St. Albert the Great School. We pray that the Holy Spirit enlightens our student body and faculty as they continue to progress in the ways of wisdom and grace, learning about God and His creation to love Him more. 

This past week I was praying hard because of the power outages that began Tuesday afternoon the 6th and lasted till Friday the 9th. It was not supposed to be fixed until last Wednesday at the earliest. While this was a real lesson on how dependent we are on electricity, I was worried about weekend Masses and the Parish Picnic. Many people came forward to lend assistance, especially with generators to keep things in the kitchen from spoiling and flashlights to assist us in night vision and the offering of Holy Mass each day. I would like to extend my sincere thanks to all of you who came forward to help. May the Good Lord reward you for your kindness. God is good! We wound up with a splendid weekend and the celebration was a joyous event.