February 2, 2025
February 2, 2025
Our Lord's being presented in the temple in Jerusalem was the fulfillment of 2 Mosaic laws: that every first-born male was to be consecrated to the Lord (Ex 13:2), and that the mother of the new-born son was to be purified in the temple 40 days after his birth (Lv 12:2-8). This feast, which has its origins in the Jerusalem Church was called the Encounter, because of the meeting of Jesus Christ with the aged Simeon and Anna which is narrated in the Gospel for today. The feast came to be celebrated in Rome during the 7th centry, but by the 10th century, the emphasis shifted towards Mary's purification, and this feast was known as the Purification of Mary until Vatican II when it regained its original name.
What is most popular about this Feast is the Blessing of Candles and procession that accompanies this blessing. This rite has its scriptural basis in today's Gospel where Simeon calls Christ "A light of revelation to the nations, and the glory of Israel." The blessing of candles also gives this day the popular name of Candlemas Day.
Next Sunday we joyfully welcome Bishop Michael Woost who will be making a pastoral visitation of our parish. Bishop Woost will celebrate the 11:30 Mass with us and will join us for a small luncheon reception in the Family Center after Mass. Hope to see all of you there.