January 26, 2025

January 26, 2025

This week we celebrate Catholic Schools Week, a time to stop and appreciate the gift our parish has in being home to a Catholic School as a primary part of passing on the faith to our youth. I would like to take this opportunity to thank all those who contribute to the support of our parish school. It is a real sacrifice, to be sure, but the sacrifice is well worth it. Our principal, Mr. Richard Kaliszewski's firm yet gentle leadership ensures that our educational program is top-notch. Our faculty and staff are all well educated and trained in their fields to ensure the best and most up to date teaching methods. And our student body is well behaved, courteous, and hospitable. As pastor I appreciate the partnership between St. Albert the Great School and Assumption Academy and what it means to our parish and the students who are educated there. As we celebrate the achievements of Catholic Schools this week and the values and good habits they impart, let us resolve to give our support to this worthy ministry of our parishes. TODAY THERE IS AN OPEN HOUSE AT THE ACADEMY FROM 10:30-NOON. COME AND SEE THE WONDERFUL THINGS GOING ON AT ASSUMPTION ACADEMY. WE REALLY HAVE SOMETHING TO BE PROUD OF. 

Next Sunday, February 2, is Candlemas Day. Candles will be blessed at all Masss with a special procession with children at the 9:30 Mass. Please bring any candles you want blessed to Mass on this day. After Masses that weekend we will have the Blessing of Throats in observance of St. Blaise Day, which is February 3. We will also bless throats at Masses on the 3rd of February.