September 15, 2024

As last Sunday we celebrated Mary’s nativity, so this Sunday, eight days later, we celebrate Mary as our Lady of Sorrows. Indeed, in the sphere of popular piety, the whole month of September is dedicated to the Mother of Sorrows or the Queen of Martyrs. 

When things “get tough” for us we find comfort in Mary’s sorrows: the prophecy of Simeon, the flight into Egypt, the loss of Jesus in the Temple, the meeting with Jesus on the road to Calvary, the pain she felt on seeing Jesus nailed to a cross, the taking into her arms of His dead body, and the sad and quick burial of her Divine Son. 

In celebrating the Sorrows of Mary, the Church wishes to impress on us the value, the sacredness, the necessity, the power of suffering in our own lives as Christians. Through her sufferings Mary helped win back for us the right to eternal happiness. 

As children we liked to play “grown up” –to be like Mother and Dad. To become like our parents is a great accomplishment. The best things in life are free, it is said. Then let us give the best to Mary as our gift today. Let’s say three hail Marys or a decade of the Rosary; come to Mass on a Saturday Morning and receive Holy Communion. Let us make every effort to be kind, obedient and pure. Let’s be sure to do something special for Our Blessed Mother this month. 

On Monday, September 23, Trapper Jack will deliver a witness talk on the Eucharist at 6:30 p.m. in church.  The Blessed Sacrament will be exposed on the altar in the body of the church after the 8:30 a.m. Mass until the devotions are over.Everyone seemed to enjoy the last time Trapper was with us, so here is another opportunity to hear him speak on the Eucharist. Please make an effort to spend some time on the 23rd with the Eucharistic Jesus. There will be sign up sheets at the entrances for you to sign up for a time to adore the Eucharistic Jesus.