September 8, 2024
Today is the birthday of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Naturally we wish to celebrate this event in her life because she is our heavenly mother. The Church has another reason for observing this feast: on that day was born the only person (except for Jesus Christ, the Son of God) ever to be conceived free from all sin since our first parents. From her was to come the Savior of the World.
SS. Joachim and Ann were the mother and father of Mary. In their married life God had not blessed them with any children although they prayed that a child might be born to them. At last God rewarded their sincere, persevering prayer and gave them Mary, who was to be the Virgin Mother of God. If we are persevering and sincere in prayer our petitions too will be granted.
From her birth Mary was faithful to every grace of our God. Though, in the past, we sometimes have rejected God’s gifts, let us make the resolution to do his will always, cost what it may.
Mary was born to be the mother of Jesus and Jesus was born to save us. Therefore, Mary had an important part to play in the history of our salvation, her birth being a prelude for what was to come in the birth of Jesus. Virgin Mother of God, your birthday announced joy to the whole world, for from you arose the Sun of Justice, Christ our God, Who, having taken away the curse, bestowed blessing, and having triumphed over death, gave us life everlasting.