Ministries of Assumption Parish

Electronic Diocesan Volunteer Form Downloadable Diocesan Volunteer Form

Are you Interested in joining a new ministry?  
Please email us to let us know by submitting this form.  See the list below for more details of each one.
Thank you for sharing your talents!

Adult Acolytes:  Provides acolytes for Funerals, as well as other liturgies as needed.

Adult Pickup Basketball: Thursdays at 8:15pm in the Family Center. Those interested in playing can call or text Barry at (216) 618-3440 to get added to the group message

Altar and Rosary Society:  Society for women of the parish who honor Our Lady through recitation of the Rosary, raise funds for the beautification of the church and altar, and host various social functions. Meetings are the Monday after the first Sunday of the month with Corporate Communion the 1st Sunday of the month at the 9:30am Mass.

Altar Servers:  Provides assistance to the presider of the various liturgical functions at Assumption.  Students in the 4th grade through high school are eligible to become altar servers.

Blue Army of Fatima:  Promote Marian Devotion in the parish through recitation of the Rosary and maintenance of the Fatima statue for Marian Devotion in the home.

Boy Scout Troop 810:  A program that offers effective character, citizenship, and personal fitness and skills training for youth. Boy Scouts serve the youth from 6th grade through high school.  Cub Scouts serve the youth from grades 1-5.

Christian Companions Group of parishioners whose ministry is to bring consolation and assistance to those surviving the loss of a loved one, especially at the Funeral Mass.  Christian Companions serve as lectors, extraordinary ministers of Communion, and greeters as part of their presence to the mourners at Funerals.  Once a year, The Christian Companions host a Memorial Mass where the faithful light candles and pray for those buried from our parish that year. 

Collections Counters:  Teams of parishioners who are responsible for the counting and deposit of the Sunday collection. The teams meet on Sunday mornings from 10:30am until 12:00pm.

CYO Boosters:  Organizes, implements and supports athletic activities for the youth of Assumption.

Divine Mercy Chapel (Adoration):  Located behind the sanctuary of Assumption Church.  The Chapel provides a place for adoration of the Blessed Sacrament.  All are encouraged to commit to an hour of adoration every week.

eLCD Small Groups:  Groups of the faithful with a common spiritual aim who meet in one another’s homes.

Eucharistic Minister:  Ministers in the sharing of The Body and Blood of Jesus at Mass and in taking the Eucharist in Holy Communion to the residents of the Heights Nursing Home and shut-ins. The Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion assist clergy with distributing the Eucharist at Masses and during First Friday Visits. Those interested in becoming a Eucharist Minister must first meet with Pastor Justin Dyrwal, O.S.B., then engage in training certification from the Diocese of Cleveland. The one-time five-hour course explains the depth of the Catholic faith on Communion and the practical aspects of the Eucharist, Schneider said. Once ministers are certified, Schneider then works

Finance Committee:  Consultative body which advises the pastor on the financial affairs of the parish. The Finance Committee meets on the second Thursday of each month at 7:00pm.

Fish Fry / Pierogi Making:  Group of parishioners that organize and administer the Assumption Fabulous Fish Fries.

Garden Club Men, women and teen volunteers needed to help weed, maintain, and renovate the Parish gardens.  There are also opportunities to sponsor plants and trees and to develop a watering program.

Girl Scouts:  Assists girls in building character and gaining skills for success in the real world, including strong values, leadership skills, social consciousness and conviction about their own potential and self-worth.  The Cadet Girl Scouts serve girls in grades 7-9, the Junior Girl Scouts from grades 3-6, and the Brownies grades 1-2. 

Golf League (Men):  Meets on Tuesday’s from April through September. Men ages 18 and older are welcome.

Hands and Hearts with Haiti:  We are partners in the Parish Twinning Program of the Americas to provide support and build relationships with the parishioners of St. Anne’s in Thomazeau, Haiti.

Healing Hearts:  Social support group for those who have lost loved ones. Luncheons are at 2:00pm on the 3rd Thursday of each month.  Check the bulletin for restaurant information.

Holy Name Society:  Society for men that brings honor and glory to the Name of Jesus as well as an annual outreach to the homeless with a sock and underwear drive and projects benefiting parishioners.  Meetings are held the Tuesday after the first Sunday of the month at 3:00p.m. Corporate Communion is the second Sunday at the 9:30am Mass.

Human Care:  Serves the needs of others and works for peace and justice as a living sign of Christ’s presence in our faith community of Assumption, the Thea Bowman Center, and St. Anne in Thomazeau, Haiti.  Meetings are on the 3rd Wednesday of the month at 7:00pm.

Knights of Columbus:  Our Lady of Charity Council 14406 located at Assumption which promotes charity, fraternity, unity and patriotism among Catholic men 18 years and older.  Meetings are held the 3rd Wednesday of each month at 7:00pm.

Lectors:  Minister by proclaiming the Word of God at Liturgy. Lectors engage in one brief training session and are encouraged to practice their readings prior to reciting it at Mass. It’s an ideal ministry for a parishioner who is comfortable reading in public and enjoys reading. Assumption Parish has 18 Lectors and 60 Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion. 

Liturgy Committee:  Recommends policies and procedures which foster strong liturgical life and renewal within the parish by assisting in the planning of the various liturgies celebrated throughout the year. The Liturgy Committee meets on the 2nd Saturday of each month at 9:30am.

Music Ministry:  Assumption has a well-respected music program which includes a traditional adult choir, a youth choir, a contemporary band, cantors and instrumentalists.  

Our Lady of Victory Intercession Group:  We come together to pray for the spiritual needs of our Parish, our community, families, friends, the world and our personal intentions.  We pray the rosary asking our Blessed Mother the Virgin Mary to intercede for us. Meetings are the 4th Wednesday of the month from 7:00 to 8:00pm in the church. No meetings in June and July. Everyone is welcome!

Parent CORPS (Academy):  Group of parents dedicated to the Assumption Academy community. Our mission is to promote, serve, and financially support St. Albert the Great at Assumption Academy.

Parish Picnic:  Responsible for organization and coordination of the Parish Picnic.  Meets January through August.

Pastoral Council:  Consultative body that makes recommendations to the Pastor on major matters that concern the life and ministries of the parish.  The Council serves to promote the spiritual growth of the parish and fosters communication between the various commissions. Meetings are held the 3rd Thursday of every month at 7:00pm.  New members are welcomed each April.

Principal's Panel (Acadamy):  To work in achieving the mission of the school by acting as a liaison group, providing a diversity of talent, information, service, support, and enthusiasm.

Project ESPWA (Hope):  A group that performs sewing and woodworking to benefit the needy in Thomazeau and environs.  The sewing circle meets the 2nd Thursday of the month in the Lower Rectory Hall to cut items for patterns and to package completed items.  All sewing work is performed at home.

PSR Instructor:  Assists in the instruction of children attending public school. 1st – 8th grades meet on Monday evenings from 6:30 – 7:45m.  Preschool will meet Sunday mornings during the 9:30am Mass after the COVID-19 pandemic.

RCIA Team Member:  Assists in the formation process for those seeking to join the Catholic Faith, as well as those wishing to learn more about their faith. Meets Tuesday evenings from Labor Day through Pentecost at 7:00pm.

St. Vincent dePaul Society:  Provides material and social help to the needy within the parish and community.  

Vacation Bible School Volunteer:  Assist in holding a one week program for children from Kindergarten through 5th grade held the last week of June. To volunteer, email

Vision Task Force (Academy):  Meets to strategically steer the operation of Assumption Academy to ensure the continuation of quality, Catholic eduation. 

Youth Ministry: Assumption offers three different youth ministry programs to serve young people of all ages: The Mustard Seed middle school youth group (grades 6-8), The Well high school youth group (grades 9-12) and Abide young adult ministry (ages 18-35). 

Usher at Mass:  Responsible for the taking up of the Sunday Collection, distribution of materials, and seating at Sunday Liturgy.

Welcoming Committee:  Responsible for the organization and outreach to new parishioners to invite them events, to meet new people and be a source for questions about our church and school.