
The Seven Sacraments are gifts of Jesus Christ Himself for the Sanctification of His Church.  "They are Baptism, Reconciliation, Eucharist, Confirmation, Marriage, Anointing of the Sick, and Holy Orders.  The Seven Sacraments touch all the stages and all the important moments of the Christian Life; they give birth and increase, healing and Mission to the Christian's Life of Faith.  There is thus a certain resemblance between the stages of natural life and the stages of the spiritual life."  CCC1210

The Sacrament of Confirmation is celebrated at Assumption Church in the second semester of Grade 8.  A $40 Sacramental Fee is assessed in addition to tuition to cover costs.

The preparation for the Sacrament of Confirmation begins in Grade 7.  

Students must be enrolled in Grade 7 PSR in order to receive the Sacrament in Grade 8.

Service experiences within the parish are a required component in preparing for Confirmation.  Service experiences form the student in preparing for a life of Service to others in conformity to Christ.  Students in Grade 7 are to complete 10 of the 20 required service hours in the parish before they enter Grade 8.  A sheet outlining the Works of Mercy and acceptable service hour opportunities is available in the Rectory Office in the Grade 7 Confirmation packet. 

Please find the form to record your Confirmation Service Hours here.

Students also begin the search for a suitable sponsor/mentor to walk with them on their journey of faith. An information sheet on this topic is available in the Rectory Office in the Grade 7 Confirmation packet.

The guidelines for choosing a Sponsor are:

1)  must be at least 16 years old and already Confirmed.

2)  Cannot be a parent.  The student's Baptismal Godparents are a good choice to consider for the role of Sponsor due to the close relationship between these two Sacraments.

3)  Must be a practicing Catholic, attending Mass each week, and (if) married according to the Laws of the Church.  

A Sponsor Certificate from the Sponsor's parish must be obtained attesting to their suitability to be a Sponsor. 

For more information call the Office of Religious Education at 440-526-6690 or email at