Weekly Religious Education Notes

July 28, 2024

Our 2024 VBS is complete!  Thank you to all who donated time, snacks and materials and most importantly of all prayers!  Our children had a great time exploring their friendship with God through our undersea adventures!

I would like to share one of my favortite VBS activities, our God Sightings.  Each day, the children thought about where they had seen God the previous day, and wrote them on a fish.  They then taped the fish to our God Sightings wall.  We started with an empty wall, and by Friday, our wall was bursting with God Sightings.  What a beautiful sight!

Where did the children see God?  They saw Him in their parents.  In their siblings, in their homes.  At the pool.  In the sunrise and sunset.  In the park.  In their crew leaders.  In nature.  In their friends.  In their grandparents.  In church.  In the Sacraments of the Eucharist and Confession.  When they prayed.  When they slept.  Every moment of every day they saw God. 

This activity always reminds me that I need to look for God in my life.  Where do I see Him?  How do I react to Him?  Do I even recognize Him?  God is all around us.  We just need to look for Him.  So I thank our VBS participants for reminding me of all the ways that God is present to me, and for sharing that joy and enthusiasm with me all week long!

PSR registration is open!  Please remember to register your child (grades one through eight) for our Monday evening PSR program.  Children must complete grades one and two to make their First Communion, and grades seven and eight to be Confirmed.  I look forward to seeing your children in August!

Ms. Mary Zabrecky, Director of Religious Education