June 9, 2024

June 9, 2024

Thanks for your prayers for us while Fr. Louis and I were on retreat. Be assured of our prayers for you. It's always a good thing to gain new spiritual insights and reconnect with confreres. 

This Thursday, we celebrate the memory of St. Anthony of Padua, a most beloved saint among Catholics and Non-Catholics alike. We honor him especially because of his ability to assist in recovering things that are lost or stolen.

Anthony was known as a great preacher. In fact, once he preached without any preparation at a conference where St. Francis of Assisi was present, but Anthony did not know it. On another occasion, Anthony had his discourse prepared, but another jealous friar stole the notes and hid them. Anthony prayed and wound up giving the conference with no notes and remembered the text perfectly. The jealous friar returned the notes with great sorrow and Anthony forgave him. Because of this incident, St. Anthony has always been known as the finder of lost or stolen articles. 

The following is a prayer one can say to St. Anthony to recover things lost or stolen. 

O blessed St. Anthony, the grace of God has made you a powerful advocate in all necessities and the patron for the restoration of all things lost or stolen. To you I turn today with childlike love and heartfelt confidence. O how many thousands have you miraculously aided in the recovery of lost goods! You were the counselor of the erring, the comforter of the afflicted, the healer of the sick, the raiser of the dead, the deliverer of the captive, the refuge of the afflicted. To you do I hasten, O blessed St. Anthony! Help me in my present affliction. I recommend what I have Lost to your care in the secure hope that you will restore it to me if it be to the greater glory of God, and the spiritual welfare of my soul that I may praise and thank you, in time and eternity, for your glorious intercession on my behalf. Amen.